
Twisted Words Game

Welcome to the Scrambled/twisted Words Game! This game challenges you to reconstruct a scrambled word.



No installation is required! Simply open the provided name.html file in a web browser and start playing or click on the following link. - ( https://kamakship18.github.io/word-twist-game/front-page/name.html )

How to Play

  1. Select a difficulty level: Easy, Medium, or Hard
  2. The scrambled word will be displayed. Try to guess the original word.
  3. Type your guess in the provided text box and click “check word”
  4. If your guess is correct, the scrambled word will be replaced with a new one. If incorrect, you will be prompted to try again.
  5. Continue playing until the time limit runs out or you achieve a high score.
  6. Go through all the levels and the score will add up in the end page until you refresh.

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Future Improvements